Conservatism, Liberalism, Politics

Illegal Immigration & Humanitarianism

Since the rest of this hemisphere has the same abundance & kinds of natural resources as the USA has, then the only reason other nations in this hemisphere have such an abundance of poor & destitute people MUST be due to their governments.

The only thing the poor nations have in common with each other, but which they DON’T have in common with the USA, is communist governments. Oh, I know we’re supposed to call it “socialist”, but that is the same thing as communist.

So, logically, if the resources are the same but the system governing those resources is different, and if the only nations with the the same resources & the same governing systems ( Canada & the USA) don’t have the problem of poverty (until the communists on the left started pushing their entitlement & redistribution programs), then obviously the nations with huge numbers of hungry, unemployed, and destitute people are using the wrong governmental systems.

Does anyone doubt that the monetary aid this country sends to those governments, instead of being used to alleviate their problems, is actually being used to organize & fund the illegal migration of their poor to the USA? So not only are we giving them tax dollars that could be used to take care of our own people in need, those tax dollars are being used to to make our problems worse. Yes, we are, in essence, paying to grow our own problems.

This must stop. We are not the panacea for the countries of the world who refuse to see the impossibilities & harmful effects of communism. If those people would put as much effort into changing their own governments from communist to freedom as they put into running away from their problems at home, they would not be hungry & uneducated & unemployed.

I do not feel sorry for parents who would rather drag their children thousands of miles to avoid doing what they should & could do at home to improve their lives. They don’t deserve to have those children in their “care” if they have such poor judgment. Not to mention the fact that they’re teaching their children that it’s okay to break laws if it benefits them.

I keep hearing the left cry about humanity. Really? Remember how many Native Americans died due to diseases the Europeans brought with them? That was done before we understood a lot of those diseases. Why aren’t those on the left concerned about the humanity of citizens here in the USA who are going to be exposed to diseases such as tuberculosis, typhoid, and other diseases we have finally gotten control of, but which will soar out of control if hoardes of unhealthy people pour into our country?

We have homeless, hungry people here who are citizens and they’re not getting the humane care they need. Most of it is due to tax dollars being sent to other countries to provide humanitarian help there. But instead it is being used against us, so our citizens are going without.

Compassionate people do not want to see anyone suffer. But charity begins at home. Until we can take care of our own, we have no business caring for others at the expense of our own.

The left crying about “no borders” for humanitarian reasons aren’t opening the doors to their houses to let homeless people right here in the USA move in & eat the food in their kitchens, drive their cars, put their medical charges on their bills. They aren’t tearing down the fences & gates & firing the security personnel around their neighborhoods and inviting in gang members & drug dealers to live with them. Their wives & daughters aren’t being put at risk by having unknown, unhealthy, potentially violent people living in close proximity to them.

No. That is what they want for the rest of us though because we don’t matter. We’re just the money source for their political power & life styles via our tax dollars & uninformed votes.

And, if we dare to say no to them, we’re called bigots, racists, deplorable, unAmerican. We’re simply supposed to lower our eyes, bow before them, and back away because we are chattel and they know everything & deserve their way of life (for no particular reason).

The poor people migrating here illegally are being used. They have never lived under any other form of government than communism. They believe that everything comes from the government. So, if they don’t have what they need, it must be that their government can’t give it to them. They don’t realize that Americans work hard to earn what they get from their own labor. We don’t expect our government to give us anything. (Well, most of us. The communists have done their damnedest to create a new mindset of gimme just because I’m breathing.)

So when they come here, and they have no skills or education, can’t speak English, & can’t get jobs, they think everything will simply magically appear because Americans have those things. They’re being set up to fail by the very people who claim to care about them.

It’s wrong. It’s deceitful. It’s hateful. It’s heartless. And it’s hurting not just those illegal migrants. It’s hurting Americans who are already suffering. The only sensible solution is to close our borders completely & not reopen them until either our immigration laws are completely overhauled with the American citizens’ well being placed at the pinnacle of those laws (which will never happen as long as we have communists in our government), or until the other nations who are being run under communist systems change their systems and leave communist ideologies in the dust. If neither of those things happen, then some other nation or nations will have to be the new fall guy(s) to replace the USA. Our citizens should always come first in our own country. And that is not inhumane because our citizens are just as human & deserving of humane treatment as anyone else. I would never take food or medical treatment my own child needed and instead give it to someone else until my own child was provided for first. So these “leaders” who claim to care about Americans need to stop taking from us to give to others until every single American is properly housed, fed, educated, and healthy. And not on the taxpayer’s dime, but by allowing charities and individual choice by compassionate Americans the freedom and ability (through much lower taxes) to give freely from their hearts whatever they choose to give to help their fellow citizens.

When Calvin Coolidge was president, there was a major problem that hit our Texas farmers. Immediately people were calling for Congress to send money to them. Congress was thinking of sending funds, but Coolidge said no. He left it to the American citizens to step up. The result was that far more money was raised from the people of this great nation for those Texans than Congress would have sent, and none of it came from forced taxation & redistribution by politicians.

The left has no faith in Americans, not in their generosity, intelligence, wisdom, or integrity. But then those are all concepts the left has distanced itself from so long ago, they wouldn’t recognize any of them if they tripped over them.

Law, Politics

Prosecute Felonious Actions—It’s the Law



So let’s see now. The left illegally unmasked Trump team members before the election, Obama said he would take it as a personal offense if people voted for anyone other than Hillary, the left smeared Trump for not immediately saying he would accept the results of the election and not challenge them, Hillary was given debate questions in advance (cheating), the media constantly hailed Hillary as the first American queen and Trump as a hateful, knuckle dragging cretan, and yet they lost the election. Wow. Even with the mainstream media on their side doing everything they could to thwart Trump and pump up Hillary, and with all their dirty tricks and arrogance, they lost. And they didn’t just lose the presidential election. They lost gubernatorial elections and congressional seats as well. And yet they still can’t see that their ideology is dying. It isn’t what the people want. They still want to obstruct the government while claiming they want what is best for the people. They are causing great harm to the country. 

When the Republicans were thinking of withholding funds to stop Obama’s policies, they were called all kinds of nasty names and the left claimed that the Republicans would rather shut down the government to impede Obama. What the hell are they doing now? They don’t have a majority in either house of congress, so they can’t withhold funding, but they’re causing a massive gridlock situation which, in essence is shutting down the government for all intents and purposes. It is hurting the people. It is telling the people that what they decided doesn’t matter. To the left, the only thing that matters is their socialist agenda, not listening to the people they are supposed to serve. They insist on telling us what to think and what to drive and what to wear and what to eat and which doctor to see and whether we should have that surgery or just take pain pills and how to raise our kids and on and on. THEY are supposed to be doing what WE tell them to do. WE hire THEM. Not the other way around. 

Yes, what was done was illegal. It was felonious. And if the Justice Dept. doesn’t get to the bottom of it and actually prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, there is likely to be hell to pay because the average citizen isn’t going to continue to accept being prosecuted for doing far less when those who are supposed to be our “leaders” get away scot free for doing so much worse. The law is the great leveler. It is supposed to be upheld and enforced for every citizen in exactly the same fair way. This skirting around the law and playing semantics with legal wording must stop. Once a society loses respect for the law it is only a heartbeat away from collapse.


No, Virginia, the Russians Are Not Coming

Russia maintains it has not been a party to the DNC email hacking. Despite the Obama administration’s claims to the contrary, there has been no proof. All countries are spying on each other all the time. I’m quite sure the USA has found ways to glean top secret info from our spying efforts in Russia, but there is no proof. 

For Obama to make such a public display of unsubstantiated claims against any other country is childish and accomplishes nothing. It makes America look weak and petulent. Putin is not to be trusted, but this last minute attempt to stir the international pot by poking the bear for no reason is not only useless, it is stupid and no president of the USA should ever allow himself to look stupid. 

What purpose is served by Obama’s actions? It doesn’t change the info found in the hacked documents. It doesn’t address the issues those documents raised. It doesn’t weaken an enemy of the state. It’s a pathetic attempt to distract attention from those who wrote those documents and who deserve to be shamed and impeached for their own words. 

For an administration that claimed it would be the most transparent in history, these actions have instead become an incision into the flesh of the most corrupt and excrement-infested, disgustingly putrid boil of an administration we’ve ever been infected with and now the sunlight is penetrating into that wound and exposing it. Of course Obama wants to lay the blame somewhere else. But Russia? Really? Sigh.

Look inward, Obama. Perhaps it is the disgusted and fed up Americans who work in government and the American intelligence community who can no longer stand the deceit, corruption, theft and unbridled manipulation of America’s people and world standing who are shining that bright light on your team’s activities and deeply held perverted convictions. Perhaps you are being hung out to dry by the very people you must rely on to achieve your heinous goals. You’re going down, son, and your comrades are going with you. For myself, I really don’t care if it is because of the Russians, the Chinese, the Swedes or the corner grocer. 

For about 100 years now you socialists have claimed over and over that the end justifies the means and the end you wished for was to make this country a socialist one. Well, it didn’t work. Now the end is going to be the end of you and your wish and the means to bring that about are justified. The nation’s survival as a free and constitutional republic is what matters.

Your attempts at bringing this nation to her knees so that you could transform her into a socialist state by overwhelming the welfare system, causing class warfare, racial strife, civil unrest, anti-Semitism, refusal and/or inability to deal swiftly and decisively with our enemies, insulting behavior and slights toward our allys, hatred for the rule of law, convoluted teaching in our schools of American history and civil law, abuse of the IRS, driving legislation based on political correctness and social justice rather than constitutional law, politicizing everything from what we eat to what we drive and trying to steal privately owned ranch lands from families by imprisoning and even killing the ranchers will all now cease. The UN will no longer make law in this nation and neither will you.  The Congress, the Legislative Branch will take back the law making reins. 

Happy New Year, America. America still stands tall. The wrong shall fail, the right prevail. You had your turn on the playground and bullying didn’t work. We were tolerant a very long time but in the end we realized it was time to return to what is right and what is truly the foundation of this country. In the words of the 44th president, “We won, you lost. Deal with it.” So good bye, Obama. Good bye, socialists.  Reasonable adults who know how to use critical thinking finally have returned and, though it will take time to overcome the damage you, Obama, and your leftist predecessors have caused, it will be accomplished.  The Russians were not our enemies in this.  Whether they hacked into the DNC or the illegal server Hillary had set up or not.  Whoever leaked those documents to Assange did this nation a huge favor in the nick of time.  But the Russians are not seeking to overthrow America.  The socialist left is.  In fact, outside of Islam, the socialist left is this nation’s most dangerous enemy and has been for a long, long time.  Russia may not be our trusted ally, but neither did they present any threat to the legality of the election in November.
